In summer of 2019 Doug set off for Africa. He was participating in a management hunt with friend and writer Joseph von Benedikt, as well as two of Joseph’s friends. The plan was to spend the next ten days at two different camps in Namibia, tracking and hunting a variety of wildlife. Both Joseph and Doug brought along Turnbull Model 1886 rifles (including a Turnbull-restored Winchester 1886), chambered for Doug’s own .475 Turnbull cartridge.
Levergun Ram: Dall Sheep Hunting in the Brooks Range
I have a love/hate relationship with sheep hunting. To me, sheep hunting is about getting wrapped up in the experience. I love the beautiful mountains to the west, smelling the crisp air. I love the Alaskan country: Seeing the mountains, moose, bear, and eagles. But there’s also the hate part: 6-9 months spent getting into shape for climbing the mountains with a 50-60 pound pack, sleeping in a small tent, trying to stay warm and dry, and eating freeze-dried meals. Somehow none of that’s enough to keep me away. At the end of the day—exhausted, cold, and wet—nothing beats the experience of hunting a Dall sheep in the Alaskan wilderness.