
The Resurgent American Side-by-Side Shotgun: A Brief History and Reasons for their Continued Popularity

The Resurgent American Side-by-Side Shotgun: A Brief History and Reasons for their Continued Popularity

The side-by-side (SXS) shotgun embodies elegance and a level of craftsmanship from a bygone era of American gunmaking. Revered for their balance, reliability, and aesthetic appeal, these firearms have made their mark on the history of shooting sports and hunting.

1950s Advertising: Vintage Winchester Point of Purchase Displays

1950s Advertising: Vintage Winchester Point of Purchase Displays

Collecting vintage Winchester rifles, carbines and shotguns is not only about appreciating the art of wood and steel that these legendary arms exemplify. It’s also about preserving the culture and values of the times when our cherished Winchesters were first made available to hunters, shooters and enthusiasts.

Hunting with a Winchester 1886 – A Winchester Arms Collectors Association Guest Post

Hunting with a Winchester 1886 – A Winchester Arms Collectors Association Guest Post

I’ve been a gun collector for many years but I have one special gun I’d like to tell you about. The rifle is a Winchester Model 1886 chambered in .40-82 WCF and it was made in 1894. It has a 26-inch round barrel and is in decent shape, but shows wear from many years of use. The only thing unusual about it is that the case-hardened receiver is engraved “Arapahoe County”.

Gun Condition and Markings – A Winchester Arms Collectors Association Guest Post

Gun Condition and Markings – A Winchester Arms Collectors Association Guest Post

Twenty years ago, we lost the much-loved Cajun chef, Justin Wilson. In one recorded episode, he was talking to his hushpuppies in the deep fryer while addressing questions from viewers. One person asked what kind of wine was proper to drink with a seafood dish. In his always entertaining manner, he said you should drink the kind of wine you like. Wine rules were foolish.

Hunting with a Winchester 1895 – A Winchester Arms Collectors Association Guest Post

Hunting with a Winchester 1895 – A Winchester Arms Collectors Association Guest Post

My love for Winchesters came about because of my grandfather. He is an unbelievable shot and had me shooting his Model 1894 from the age of four. It was an instant addiction to all things Winchester. The first time I saw a ‘95 was on the famous “The Kind That Gets Them” poster as a teenager. From then on I knew I would endeavor to own one of these majestic rifles.