Image Source: Outdoor Life
Granddaddy’s Gun: A Restored Family Shotgun Gets a New Life Training Fine Bird Dogs
“But it was well worth it to bring a piece of family history back to life… And with my gun rebuilt, I would add a new chapter to the history of an old firearm.”
Durrell Smith is a man after our own heart. Honoring the traditions and methods of the original makers is essentially what results from any classic firearm restoration, whether it’s a rebuild handled by a local gunsmith or something more involved. But why the choice is made to restore is so much more important, as it transcends “market value”. Thank you to Durrell for the great reminder, told in engaging story fashion, of what’s more important when considering what to do with that relic that calls to you.
Image Source: Guns Magazine
We Don’t Own Guns, We Care for Them
“… I had been afield with my ancestors, using the same piece of steel and walnut they had carried in their hands across decades.”
Firearms that pass in and out of our lives have various levels of meaning, for many and varied reasons. Upon contemplation, many of us will understand the through-line to multiple generations that our heirlooms represent. Even if that heirloom isn’t the bright shiny thing it used to be. Although its utility may have changed over the decades, its purpose hasn’t.
Guns Magazine’s Brent Wheat reminds us what gun ownership actually means.
Image Source: Gray’s Sporting Journal
Let it Slide
“Never play cards with a man named Doc. Never eat at a joint called Mom’s. And never bet against a man with a well-worn pump gun.”
Sure, we’ve built our reputation largely around classic American lever guns and single action hand guns, but we’ve enjoyed each and every pump gun we’ve ever restored. Terry Wieland and Gray’s Sporting Journal have done a nice job of exploring the reasons why.
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Great article, especially for a Model 12 collector.