Color Case Hardened Thompson/Center Models Now Offered Exclusively Through Haus of Arms

by | May 15, 2018 | Media, New Product Announcement, News, Turnbull Finished Firearms, Turnbull Restoration & Manufacturing Blog, Video | 7 comments

Turnbull Restoration Color Case Hardened Thompson/Center Encore Pro Hunter

We’re excited to announce that Turnbull color case hardening is now available on Thompson/Center G2 Contender® and the Encore® Pro Hunter™ models, exclusively through Haus of Arms! Existing owners can have their used blued T/C G2 Contender® and Encore® Pro Hunter™ receivers color cased hardened as well.

Our thanks go out to Haus of Arms’ Marty Ebbinghaus for the opportunity to team up on this exciting offering. Marty loved the color case hardened Thompson/Center models that the factory’s custom shop used to offer, and he decided that it was time that we bring them back. Haus of Arms is offering the Encore® Pro Hunter™ in pistol frame assemblies. They can be used for pistol or rifle configurations, and the’re quite stunning.

Contact Haus of Arms or Turnbull Restoration to learn more!

Turnbull Restoration Color Case Hardened Thompson/Center G2 Contender

Turnbull Restoration Color Case Hardened Thompson/Center G2 Contender

Turnbull Restoration Color Case Hardened Thompson/Center Encore Pro Hunter

Turnbull Restoration Color Case Hardened Thompson/Center Encore Pro Hunter


  1. Turnbull Restoration

    Hi John, you can actually do either. Easiest thing to do is give our estimation department a call at 585-657-6338 and we can talk through the specifics of your particular project.

  2. Daniel Clem

    Case hardened pro hunter rifle receiver
    Would like to purchase.. I have questions

    • Sara Turnbull

      Hi Daniel, thanks for your inquiry! I would recommend getting in touch with Haus of Arms: They sell Thompson/Center firearms, as well as handling the details for getting customers’ receivers color case hardened.

  3. Jeff Turnbull

    Hausofarms is currently out of stock on these items, will you soon be supplying more for purchase?

    • Sara Turnbull

      Hi Jeff,
      Since Thompson/Center is currently closed (and looking for a buyer) Haus of Arms won’t have any more for sale for the foreseeable future. However, if you had one (or could pick one up used) you could send it in to them to have it color case hardened.

  4. David Sullivan

    I would like to send you an TC Encore frame to be Case colored. Can you tell me the cost? Turn around time? Do I need to disassemble? Thanks, Dave

    • Sara Turnbull

      Hi David,
      You can get in touch directly with Haus of Arms for that information:


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